Ten serwer jest offline od dłuższego czasu i prawdopodobnie nie jest już aktywny. Możliwość głosowania została wyłączona. Będziemy regularnie sprawdzać jego status, obecnie nie jest on widoczny na liście serwerów.


I see rock, I take it, one day, I will yeet it at enemy.

Address (IP):

Status: offline

Graczy: 0/20

Głosów: 0

Wersja: 1.12.2

Kraj: US

Tagi: #smp, #hardcore, #pvp, #pve, #modded, #roleplay,

Ostatni ping: 36 minutes ago

Ostatnio online: 1 years ago

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Opis serwera

Age of Civilization is a social experiment server that wipes on a monthy basis. You're thrown in the world wherever you want and need to survive. Do whatever you want, kill, make friends, built a super-fortress or become the minecraft version of Genghis Khan. Every player can select a different role to play as, such as Miner, Blacksmith or Chef, each role has different benefits. There is a catch however, if you die, you get sent to a purgatory world until your friends can revive you, or if you are revived by a weekly player revive. [style b i]Winners of each wipe get a $10 reward.[/style] [h2]Roles:[/h2]The server features 3 roles as of now. Miner, Blacksmith and Chef. All of which have their own abilities.


*** can see ores and mine them.


Blacksmiths can craft swords, armor, and other equipment.


Tired of eating steak? While often underrated, Chefs can farm and make more complicated dishes for players to eat.

How do I win?

In order to win you have to have the most successful country. In order to be considered successful you must: - Be one of the only surviving countries (not necessary) - Be rich with minerals - Control a society (Not necessary) - Manage a large landmass - Have strong military strength - Be a persuasive force in diplomatic relations

Admins will decide who wins at the end of each wipe


A complete list of mods can be found here The modlist was made in mind to allow people that don't have NASA PC's play the server, so don't get worried if you think you can't run it, chances are, you can.

[​How to find other information?] Join our Discord to get a list of basic rules Our website (work in progress, not ready yet) is www.ageofcivilization.net/ageofcivilization


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